
2019 International Conference of Developmental Biology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine - Exploration and Integration |
2019發育生物學、幹細胞與再生醫學國際研討會-探索與整合 |
Day 1/ Friday, August 23, 2019 |
08:30-17:30 |
Registration (1st floor) |
09:00-09:20 |
Opening開幕典禮 (R201) |
Shyh-Jye Lee李士傑(TSDB)、Chia-Ning Shen 沈家寧(TSSCR) |
Fong-Jhou Hsieh Memorial Lectures 謝豐舟教授紀念演講 (R201) |
09:20-10:00 |
· Prof. Enrique Amaya (TSDB) Moderator: Dr. Jun-An Chen 陳俊安 |
Division of Cell Matrix Biology & Regenerative Medicine, University of Manchester |
Title: TBA |
10:00-10:40 |
· Prof. Akihiro Harada (TSSCR) Moderator: Prof. Chung-liang Chien 錢宗良 |
Graduate Institute of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University |
Title: Delivery of N-cadherin to the surface of neural stem cells is essential for development of the hippocampus and the cerebellum |
10:40-10:50 |
Group photo |
10:50-11:10 |
Health Break/Poster setup (R301/302) |
Plenary Lecture I 大會特別演講I (R201) |
11:10-11:50 |
· Prof. Bart Gadella (TSDB) Moderator: Dr. Pei-Shiue Tsai 蔡沛學 |
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht University |
Title: TBA |
11:50-12:30 |
· Prof. Pentao Liu (TSSCR) Moderator: Dr. You-Tzung Chen 陳佑宗 |
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and Stem Cell Centre, HongKong University |
Title: TBA |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch/ Company Workshop#1 廠商發表 (R305, R306, R307) |
Concurrent Session I |
TSDB Symposium I |
TSSCR Symposium I |
發育生物學研討會I (R201) |
幹細胞研討會I (R202) |
Moderator: Prof. I-Hsuan Liu劉逸軒 |
Moderator: Dr. Hung-Chih Kuo郭紘志/ Prof. Thai-Yen Ling林泰元 |
14:00-14:25 |
#1: Stephan Schneider |
14:00-14:25 |
#1: Jun-An Chen (陳俊安) |
Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica |
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica |
Title: TBA |
Title: TBA |
14:25-14:50 |
#2: Min Sun(孫民) |
14:25-14:50 |
#2: Shih-Yu Chen (陳世淯) |
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University |
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica |
Title: TBA |
Title: TBA |
14:50-15:15 |
#3: Wen-Pin Chen (陳文彬) |
14:50-16:05 |
Student speakers (15min) |
Department and Graduate Institute of Pharmacology |
#1: |
Title: TBA |
#2: |
#3: #4: #5: #6: |
15:15-15:40 |
#4: Chen-Hui Chen (陳振輝) |
Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica |
Title: TBA |
15:40-16:05 |
#5: Chih-Chiang Chen (陳志強) |
Department of Dermatology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital |
Title: TBA |
16:05-16:30 |
#6:Yen-Wen Liu (劉嚴文) Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Title: TBA
16:30-18:30 |
Health Break/Poster Session (R301, R302) |
18:30 |
Dinner (By invitation) |
Day 2/ Saturday, August 24, 2019 |
Keynote Lecture 大會特別演講 (R201) |
09:00-09:40 |
· Prof. Marius Wernig (TSSCR) Moderator: Dr. Jean Lu 呂仁 |
Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and Department of Pathology, Stanford University |
Title: TBA |
09:40-10:20 |
· Prof. Minoru Takasato (TSDB) Moderator: Prof. Shuei-Liong Lin 林水龍 |
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research |
Title: TBA |
10:20-10:40 |
Health Break |
Plenary Lecture II大會特別演講 II (R201) |
10:40-11:10 |
· Prof. Feng-Huei Lin 林峯輝 (TSSCR) Moderator: Dr. Lin-Ju Yen顏伶汝 |
Institute of Biomedical Engineering & Nanomedicine, National Health Research Institutes (NHRI), Taiwan |
Title: TBA |
11:10-11:40 |
· Prof. Lynn Huang (黃玲惠, TSSCR) Moderator: Prof. Ming-Jer Tang湯銘哲 |
Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences, National Cheng Kung University |
Title: TBA |
11:50-13:00 |
Lunch/ Company Workshop#2 廠商發表 (R305, R306, R307) |
13:00-14:00 |
Society Meeting |
TSDB Annual Meeting (R201) |
TSSCR Annual Meeting (R202) |
Concurrent Session II |
TSDB Symposium II (R201) |
TSSCR Symposium II (R202) |
Moderator: Prof. Su-Yi Tsai 蔡素宜/ Prof. Pei-Shiue Tsai 蔡沛學 |
再生醫學科技發展計畫成果發表I |
14:00-14:20 |
#1: Yet-Ran Chen (陳逸然) |
14:20-14:35 #1幹細胞組織工程於氣管再生醫學之應用(陳晉興團隊) |
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica |
14:35-14:50 #2臺灣心臟組織晶片計畫(謝清河團隊) |
Title: TBA |
14:20-14:40 |
#2: Kai-Chien Yang (楊鎧鍵) |
Department and Graduate Institute of Pharmacology College of Medicine, National Taiwan University |
14:50-15:05 #3細胞重編程技術於再生醫學之尖端轉譯應用(李光申團隊) |
Title: TBA |
14:40-15:10 |
Student speakers (15min) |
#7 |
#8 |
15:20-15:40 |
Health Break |
TSDB Symposium III (R201) |
TSSCR Symposium III (R202) |
Moderator: Prof. Su-Yi Tsai 蔡素宜/ Prof. Pei-Shiue Tsai 蔡沛學 |
再生醫學科技發展計畫成果發表 |
15:40-16:40 |
#1: Anna C Jang (張純純) Department of Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences, National Cheng Kung University Title: TBA |
15:25-15:40 #4全身安全性異體移植策略之細胞治療產品開發:標靶醫療未滿足慢性發炎相關疾病糖尿病/褥瘡/嚴重燒燙傷之傷口癒合與多發性硬化症(黃彥華團隊) |
#2: You-Tzung Chen (陳佑宗) Graduate Institute of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, National Taiwan University Title: TBA |
15:40-15:55 #5 整合性膝關節軟骨及半月盤軟骨三維列印之臨床轉譯計畫(洪士杰團隊) |
15:55-16:05 #6開發具有幹細胞特性於再生醫學與腫瘤診治之應用(游正博團隊) |
Student speakers (15min) #9 #10 |
16:05-16:25 #7再生醫學科技發展計畫(國衛院團隊) |
16:25-16:35綜合座談 |
16:50-17:30 |
Awards Ceremony 頒獎典禮 |
TSDB/TSSCR Poster Winner Flash Talks 海報論文得獎者3分鐘flash talk
Closing Remarks 閉幕典禮 |
報名截止日:2019年07月26日 (五)