三月 03, 2025

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We provide news, articles and events for life science , biotechnology and cell therapy. In the future, we will create a platform for promotions, channels and products.


Past Event / 國際研討會

Although regenerative therapies are relatively new, more & more hospitals are incorporating cell and gene treatments to treat patients, driving up investment in this sector. World-wide 30 cell and gene therapies have been authorised for large scale production. Looking to the future, biopharmaceutical and biotech companies, and other stakeholders, including regulators and researchers will need to collaborate to develop a new pipeline of research from biological concept to medical practice.

千呼萬喚使出來!! 適逢COVID-19疫情,造成國內外許多知名研討會延期或轉為線上會議。在遵守防疫規範前提下,臺灣幹細胞學會誠摯邀請您參加今年與臺灣發育生物學會(Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology, TSDB)於 2021/10/15-16,以“從演化發育到幹細胞-From EvoDevo to Stem Cells”為主題舉辦之線上年會暨國際研討會。

亞太國際藥理學會議是亞太地區藥理醫藥學者每四年舉辦一次的重要國際學術研討會,台灣藥理學會很榮幸主辦第十四屆大會(2020年5月4日-7日,2020 APFP,於台北國際會議中心),本屆將邀約世界知名演講者,包括2018年度諾貝爾獎生理醫學獎得主Tasuku Honjo博士闡述免疫療法的前瞻發展,翁啟惠前中研院院長將探討疫苗開發在免疫治療的進展。

會議將邀請國內外頂尖的細胞治療基礎研究和臨床專家,瞄準細胞治療研究的最新研究動態和進展, 圍繞上市從細胞治療的臨床監管、治療規範、細胞治療安全性,新型細胞治療技術、實體瘤治療、腫瘤免疫檢查點抑製劑、間充質乾細胞、幹細胞移植治療、基因編輯與細胞治療、細胞治療生產製造工藝等熱門議題進行討論


With more than 3,500 attendees, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and media, the meeting brings together everyone from senior scientists to trainees to discover, share, and network with leading innovators in the stem cell community.
