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2019.06.01 【醫材系列】IVD成功策略經驗分享 (一日精修班)


上午單元:如何找尋合作夥伴以拓展商機(BD for IVD : Business Development and Commercialization for IVD )
下午單元: 如何充分掌握法規要點,以利取得產品認證(IVD Regulatory Compliance and Device License)

課程簡介 (上午/下午)

上午主題 09:30~12:30 (如何找尋合作夥伴以拓展商機實務)
BD for IVD : Business Development and Commercialization for IVD 
規劃專家暨講師: 高興波(Paul Kao) / GenScript 業務開發副總
任職: Vice President, Business Development Biosciences Group, GenScript

The global IVD market continues to change and evolve, and this continuing evolution of technology opens up new opportunities for companies. With these new opportunities come changing business development and product strategies. Selected companies with well-established laboratory developed tests (LDTs) are now developing in vitro diagnostic (IVD) kits that can be widely used at clinical laboratories. Some companies that initially developed PCR-based products are moving towards NGS based testing.

Many diagnostic companies in Taiwan are looking partners for opportunities in commercialization and licensing. However, as the IVD market size in Taiwan is relatively small (about 1% of WW market), it’s quite challenging to establish successful business partnerships with international IVD companies.

This workshop is designed to share the experiences among all participants and define the best way to identify new opportunities with international IVD companies/partners through a systematic Business Development (BD) processes

下午主題:13:30~16:30 (如何充分掌握法規要點,以利取得產品認證)
IVD Regulatory Compliance and Device License
規劃專家暨講師:朱棻玉 /穎銳生醫顧問公司 董事長
任職:Chief Compliance Officer, iXensor Co., Ltd.
President, Elite BioMedical Consulting, Inc.

This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of critical compliance and enforcement trends and the contextual relationship of policy and regulation. 
https://bioedu.org.tw/course_detail_56 (請詳閱)
You will learn about: 
- The Critical Global Compliance Regulations and Product Licensing Programs for IVD Company
- The importance of IVD Device Compliance
- What is MDSAP
- Product Licensing Application Strategy
- Software as Medical Device (SaMD)

Case Study: (下午單元可攜帶智慧型手機體驗IVD相關應用)
Innovation Device 510(k) application
- Smartphone as IVD device
- SaMD

Part 1 主題:如何找尋合作夥伴以拓展商機(上午)   
BD for IVD: This Part is designed to share the experiences among all participants and define the best way to identify new opportunities with international IVD companies/partners through a systematic Business Development (BD) processes
9:30-10:30 Introduction and Presentation: Paul Kao
規劃專家暨講師: 高興波(Paul Kao)/ GenScript業務開發副總
  Global IVD trend and Taiwan IVD market
  How to conduct business development (BD) to identify partnering opportunities
  Case studies: 2-3 IVD companies in Taiwan and China
10:30-12:00 Small group discussion (小組討論)/中場休息:15分鐘
  Share BD experience and identify challenges
  Identify the “Best approach” for future BD process.
  Small group presentations
12:00~12:30 Wrap-up and networking
12:30~13:30 中午休息/午餐時間                                                                                    
Part 2 主題:如何充分掌握法規要點,以利取得產品認證(下午)
13:30~ 14:30 Introduction and Presentation
規劃專家暨講師:朱棻玉 /穎銳生醫顧問公司 董事長
1.Regulatory Compliance for IVD  Company (如何掌握各國主要法規要求1hr) 
•Quality Systems (QSRs, IVDD and IVDR)
•Post-market Surveillance and Medical Device Reporting (eMDR)
•Labeling Compliance
14:40~16:00 2.IVD Device License, Clearance and Approval (IVD - 各國主要產品認證成功關鍵)
•FDA, USA、Health Canada、CE、FDA, Taiwan
Case Study:
Innovation Device 510(k) application
- Smartphone as IVD device
- SaMD
16:00~16:30 Q&A, and Net working  
【上課時間】2019/6/1 ,共1週,週六9:30-12:30 / 13:30-16:30
早鳥優惠: 5/1前完成報名及繳費者,只要NT$ 4,800 元 (限時/限額:10人)
日期 & 時間
2019.06.01 l 09:30 ~ 16:30
Last modified on 週六, 01 六月 2019 14:43