三月 01, 2025

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2020.03.17 l 第20屆國際自由基研究學會雙年年會 (活動因疫情取消)


Welcome to the 20th Biennial Meeting for the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRR 2020) to be held on March 17-20, at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology (CGUST) and Chang Gung University (CGU), Taoyuan, Taiwan. We have an exciting scientific and cultural program, and hope to promote novel perspectives in free radical biology and medicine. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us in Spring 2020!

Ying-Tung Lau, Ph.D.

President, SFRR-Taiwan

日期 & 時間
2020/03/17 - 2020/03/20
Last modified on 週二, 07 四月 2020 16:17