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2020.10.29 l 2020 ATC抗體藥物研討會-後疫情時代抗體藥物 暨 新興抗體藥品開發策略


Welcome Message

Dear Conference Participants and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to welcome you to the ninth edition of Antibody Therapeutic Conference (ATC) - 2020 Antibody Therapeutics Conference: Antibody Drug Development in the post-COVID-19 Era and the Strategy of New Generation Antibody Drug Development will be held in the National Biotechnology Research Park (Taipei, Taiwan) on Oct 29th, 2020.

The applications of antibody therapeutics remain a growing field today, especially in the treatment of cancers, immune-mediated diseases and infectious diseases, which all highlighting the critical pharmaceutical importance of antibody therapeutics. Particularly, immunotherapy including antibody-mediated tumor regression, checkpoint blockade, antibody drug conjugates (ADC) and adoptive cell therapy (ACT) acts as potential strategies to cure cancers.

The COVID-19 outbreak in the last quarter of 2019 has posed a major impact on the global economy and society. The industry, government, academia and research institutes worldwide have all invested resources to actively develop diagnostic tests, therapeutic drugs and vaccines for COVID-19. To leverage the achievements so far, this year’s ATC focuses on sharing current development status and drug design concepts of antibody drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 hoping to inspire more ideas for the development of antibody drugs in the post-COVID-19 era.

ATC is an international forum for the field of antibody discovery, antibody engineering, antibody therapeutics development and commercialization with the aim to provide opportunities for the attendants to have good connections and to assist the training and advancement of students, postdoctoral fellows and other new members in the field, in part through sponsorship of international scientific meetings.

Last but not least, we hope the meeting stimulated cross talks between senior experts and young scientists working on antibody therapeutics. This meeting not only provides a forum for sharing your insightful research but also a great opportunity to network with your fellow professionals. We hope this meeting will contribute to the advancement of the field of the antibody therapeutics and you will find this meeting an informative, constructive and inspiring experience.



Chung-Hsiun Herbert Wu, Ph.D.
Director of Taiwan Antibody Association;
President, Development Center for Biotechnology

Time Activity Speaker
10:00-10:30 Registration  
10:30-10:40 Welcome Chung-hsiun Wu, Ph.D. Chairman of TAA
10:40-10:55 Current development of COVID-19 drug treatment Chung-hsiun Wu, Ph.D. Chairman of TAA
10:55-11:00 Moderator  
11:00-11:30 Medical requirements for COVID-19 treatments (Tentative) Chang-Youh Tsai, M.D., Ph.D. Director, Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
11:30-12:00 Using Monoclonal antibody for COVID-19 treatment — B Cell Antibody drug development platform (Tentative) Kuan-Ying Arthur Huang, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Chang Gung Medical Foundation
12:00-13:10 2nd meeting of the 3rd TAA General Assembly and 2nd meeting of the 3rd TAA Board of Directors Lunch  
13:10-13:40 Development of antibody drug treatment for COVID-19 (Tentative) David D. Ho, M.D., Ph.D. Director, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, Columbia University
13:40-13:45 Moderator  
13:45-14:15 Diagnostics of COVID-19 and invention of  therapeutics mAb—monoclonal antibody (Tentative) Han-Chung Wu , Ph.D. Director, BioTReC
14:15-14:45 CDMO supporting COVID-19 antibody drug development service (Tentative) Lee-Cheng Liu, Ph.D. President & CEO, EirGenix Inc.
14:45-15:00 Break  
15:00-15:05 Moderator  
15:05-15:25 UB-621: A novel anti-HSV monoclonal antibody to address unmet medical needs of recurrent genital herpes infection Shugene Lynn, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer and President , United BioPharma, Inc.
15:25-15:45 Current development of Antibody drug conjugates (ADC) (Tentative) Shih-Hsien Chuang, Ph.D. Deputy Director, Medicinal Chemistry Department, Institute of Pharmaceutics, Development Center for Biotechnology
15:45-16:15 New generation drug (ADC)+ AI big data (Tentative) Sheeno Thyparambil, Ph.D. Senior Director R&D, mProbe, Inc.

※ The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event program.

● 論壇免費參加 (請事先報名,午餐自理)



● 個人會員:109年個人會員1000元,10/29(四)論壇當天享有:午餐乙份+價值。


● 團體會員:109年團體會員10,000元,10/29(四)論壇當天享有:午餐3份+


完成論壇報名後,請回傳入續會表單 (下載:http://antibody.org.tw/tw/Recruit/2)
相關資訊請洽台灣抗體協會秘書處:02-77003800 分機5216孫先生

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Last modified on 週日, 17 一月 2021 14:11