九月 19, 2024

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2023.03.31 l 亞太胞外體學會大會 Asia Pacific Societies for Extracellular Vesicles Conference


  • March 30th (Thu.): Arrival
  • March 31st (Fri.) : Full Day Scientific Program-Plenary and Two Parallel Sessions & Networking Event (Dinner)
  • April 1st (Sat.) : Full Day Scientific Program-Plenary and Four Parallel Sessions
  • April 2nd (Sun.) : Social Program


  • EV Biogenesis
  • EV in Precision Medicine
  • EV as Therapeutics
  • EV Advanced Research


  • Registration & Abstract Submission Opens: Dec. 10th, 2022
    • Abstract Submission: https://forms.gle/kiPMMcd97G67qAma6
    • Download Abstract Template
    • An acceptance letter and consent form will be issued upon receving and approving the abstract
    • Presenter must return the signed consent form and complete registration.
    • If the abstract has been published, please state in the abstract: "This abstract has been previously published at [CONFERENCE NAME] held at [CITY, COUNTRY] on [DATE]."
    • For more detail, please refer to Notification of Abstract Acceptance
  • Late Cut Abstract Submission Deadline: Mar. 10th, 2023(Accepting Poster Only)
  • Online Registration Ends: Mar. 26th, 2023


  • 會議一般票 NT$ 4,000
  • 會議學生票 NT$ 1,500
  • TSEV 學會會員 30% off (可先報名,後完成申請入會,須檢附台灣身分證或台灣學生證)
    • 一般會員 NT$ 2,800 + 2023年續會費 NT$ 300 = $3,100
    • 學生會員 NT$ 1,050 + 2023年續會費 NT$ 100 = $1,150
    • 永久會員 NT$ 2,800
    • 新入會一般會員 NT$ 2,800 + 入會費 &常年會費 NT$ 600 = NT$ 3,400
    • 新入會學生會員 NT$ 1,050 + 入會費 &常年會費 NT$ 200 = NT$ 1,250
    • 新入會永久會員 NT$ 2,800 + 入會費 NT$ 2300 = NT$5,100
  • Optional City-Tour NT$ 1,500 (請另外購票)







日期 & 時間
2023.03.31 (五) 09:30 ~ 04.01 (六) 17:00 (GMT+8)
Last modified on 週一, 12 二月 2024 07:32