三月 12, 2025

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ATC is an international forum for the field of antibody discovery, antibody engineering, antibody therapeutics development and commercialization with the aim to provide opportunities for the attendants to have good connections and to assist the training and advancement of students, postdoctoral fellows and other new members in the field, in part through sponsorship of international scientific meetings.

今年年會將於10月30日(星期五)至10月31日(星期六),假國立陽明大學活動中心舉行。學會今年首度與亞洲區細胞及基因治療學會(International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy, ISCT-Asia)舉辦國際研討會,並利用Webminar的方式,在疫情嚴峻此時,也能邀集國內外幹細胞研究及再生醫學學者參加,交換研究經驗並增進相互學習交流合作之機會。