Time |
Session |
Speaker |
8:20-9:00 |
Registration(報到) / Poster set-up(壁報張貼) |
9:00-9:10 |
Opening Remarks(開幕致詞) Executive Vice President, NYMU: Muh-Hwa Yang (楊慕華) TSSCR President: Chia-Ning SHEN (沈家寧) ISCT Asia Region Vice-President: Oscar Kuang-Sheng LEE (李光申) |
Session I Keynote Presentation Moderators : Oscar Kuang-Sheng LEE (李光申) / Muh-Hwa Yang (楊慕華) |
9:10-10:00 |
ISCT Keynote I (Webminar) TBD |
Satoshi TAKAHASHI (Japan) |
10:00-10:50 |
TSSCR Keynote I Communication of Hair Follicle Stem Cells with External World |
Sung-Jan LIN (林頌然) |
10:50-11:15 |
茶點(Coffee break)/壁報論文(Poster session) |
Session II Cell & Gene Therapy – Focus on CAR-T Moderators : Chung-Liang CHIEN (錢宗良)/ Shih-Hwa CHIOU (邱士華) |
11:15-11:40 |
CAR-T Cell Therapy for B-cell Malignancies |
Yu-Hsiang CHANG (張裕享) |
11:40-12:05 |
CAR-T from Conception to Clinical Reality: Continuation in a Revolution of Cancer Immunotherapeutics |
Chien-Tsun KUAN (官建村) |
12:05-12:30 |
The Development Story of UWC19 (Welgenaleucel) for Treating B Cell Malignancies: From Bench to Clinical Bed |
Cheng-Yi KUO (郭正宜) |
12:30-13:30 |
Group Photo(大合照)/Lunch(午餐)/Poster session(壁報論文評分) |
Session III Keynote Presentation Moderator : John YU (游正博) |
13:30-14:20 |
ISCT Keynote II (Webminar) Regenerative Medicine for Cartilage Defects |
Byung Hyune CHOI (Korea) |
Session IV Tackle Diseases by Stem Cells - I Moderators : Shiaw-Min HWANG (黃效民) / Betty Lin-Ju YEN (顏伶汝) |
14:20-14:50 |
Taiwan’s Regenerative Research of Cartilage Defect Treatment: from Chondrocytes to MSC |
Chih-Hung CHANG (張至宏) |
14:50-15:15 |
The Challenge for the Application of Cellular Therapy: from the Viewpoint of Pharmacology |
Thai-Yen LING (林泰元) |
15:15-15:45 |
Coffee break(茶點)/ Poster session(壁報論文) |
Session V Tackle Diseases with Stem Cells-II Moderators : Lynn Ling-Huei HUANG (黃玲惠) / You-Tzung CHEN (陳佑宗) |
15:45-16:15 | Heterogeneity of the Progenitor Cells Derived from Glandular Organs |
Tsung-Lin YANG (楊宗霖) |
16:15-16:40 | Epithelial Stem Cells in Hair Loss Diseases |
Chao-Chun YANG (楊朝鈞) |
16:40-17:05 | Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Study Cardiac Cell Development and Heart Disease |
Su-Yi TSAI (蔡素宜) |
18:00-20:00 | Gala Dinner (台南海鮮會館或典華雅聚) |
10月31日(六) Saturday, October 31, 2020
Time |
Session |
Speaker |
8:20-9:00 |
Registration(報到) |
Session VI Keynote Presentation Moderators : Yen-Hua Huang (黃彥華) / Wen-Wei CHANG (張文瑋) |
9:00-9:50 |
TSSCR Keynote II TBD |
Yuan-Kun TU (杜元坤) |
9:50-10:40 |
TSSCR Keynote III Functional Role of Non-colinear RNAs in Pluripotency Maintenance, Reprogramming and Early Embryonic Lineage Specification |
Hung-Chih KUO (郭紘志) |
10:40-10:55 |
Coffee break(茶點)/ Poster session(壁報論文) |
Session VII 細胞治療規範(Regulations in Cell Therapy) (IRB學分) Moderators : Hong-Nerng HO (何弘能) / Edward CHERN(陳彥榮) |
10:55-11:25 |
Ethics Consideration in Cell and Gene Therapy |
Fu-Chang TSAI (蔡甫昌) |
11:25-11:55 |
簡介細胞治療法規 |
Yueh-Ping LIU (劉越萍) |
11:55-12:25 |
黃豐淳 |
12:25-13:40 |
Lunch(午餐)/Poster session(壁報論文評分) TSSCR 2020 General Assembly (會員大會) |
Session VIII Stem Cells in Diseases - I Moderators : Shau-Ping LIN(林劭品) / Chia-Ching WU(吳佳慶) |
13:40-14:10 |
Human Placental MSC-secreted IL-1β Enhances Neutrophil Bactericidal Functions during Hypervirulent Klebsiella Infection |
Betty Lin-Ju YEN (顏伶汝) |
14:10-14:35 |
Investigation of Neural Stem Cell Behaviors during Brain Development |
Jin-Wu TSAI (蔡金吾) |
14:35-15:05 |
茶點(Coffee break)/壁報論文(Poster session) |
Session IX Stem Cells in Diseases - II Moderators : Ing-Ming CHIU (邱英明)/ Joyce Jean LU (呂仁) |
15:05-15:30 |
Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modeling Lysosomal Storage Diseases |
Hsiang-Po HUANG (黃祥博) |
15:30-15:55 |
Stem Cell-based Therapies for Sensorineural Hearing Loss |
Yi-Chao HSU (許益超) |
16:00-16:30 |
Short talks: Poster Award Presentation |
16:30-16:40 |
2020 TSSCR Poster Award |
16:40-16:50 |
Closing Remarks TSSCR President: Chia-Ning SHEN (沈家寧) ISCT Asia Region Vice-President: Oscar Kuang-Sheng LEE (李光申) |
16:50 |
So long !! See you next year!! |
▲ 準會員/Associate member
▲ 個人會員/Active member
▲ 非會員/Non TSSCR/ISCT member
▲ 新進會員/New member
- 新進準會員申請表 下載
- 新進個人會員申請表 下載
研討會摘要繳交期限,為 2020年09月30日以前 ,逾期則不予受理。
摘要投稿格式、投稿方式請參閱:2020 TSSCR Meeting 摘要投稿格式
第一名(1名):獎狀一只,獎金 30,000元
第二名(1名):獎狀一只,獎金 20,000元
第三名(1名):獎狀一只,獎金 10,000元
佳作 (8名):獎狀一只,獎金 5,000元
Poster abstract submission guideline for 2020 annual meeting:
Deadline of submission : September 30th, 2020
On-line submission system (https://driveuploader.com/upload/I67cqP8tX7/) is available for 2020 annual meeting. Please download the abstract submission form and edit your abstract accordingly.
Abstract submission form – template 2020 TSSCR Meeting 摘要投稿格式
Same as past years, TSSCR poster awards will be presented in 2020 annual meeting (Associate member only!). The prize of the poster awards includes
* For 1st place: one awardee will receive a Certificate and 30,000 NTD.
** For 2nd place: one awardee will receive a Certificate and 20,000 NTD.
*** For 3rd place: one awardee will receive a Certificate and 10,000 NTD.
**** For honorable mention: eight awardees will receive a Certificate and 5,000 NTD
We encourage all Associate members including postgraduate students, medical doctor, research assistant and postdoctoral fellows to submit your work and enroll into this competition!!