三月 11, 2025

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 2018.09.27 Free Webinar

Join this live, interactive webinar to explore the latest advances in the development of next-generation cell & gene therapy manufacturing technologies and platforms. Topics under discussion will include:

2018.09.21 Free Webinars

Mycoplasma are a distinct group of bacterial strains notorious for their ability to contaminate cell cultures without resulting in media turbidity or other obvious symptoms. Mycoplasma infection can deprive host cells of nutrients and induce global changes in host gene expression, which in turn can affect data reproducibility and lead to the misinterpretation of experimental results.

2018.09.20, 免費參加

我國細胞治療產業在政府政策支持及法規逐漸完善下,因應全球細胞治療發展趨勢,我國廠商已透過與美日公司及學研單位合作,共同發展新興細胞治療產品,本次活動「Forum of Regenerative Medicine 2018」,會中邀請台日兩方業界專家,就「細胞治療」以及「CAR-T及免疫細胞療法」兩大方向進行分享。

2018.09.07 ~ 09.08



Cell therapy has been a rapidly progressing field and offers tremendous potentials in cancer and regenerative medicine. The transition from bench to bedside, however, requires close communication and collaboration between academia, clinics, industry, and government.

2018.09.22, 免費參加


2018.09.11, 免費參加

「生技醫藥國家型科技計畫」於 106 年 4 月結束後轉型為「生技醫藥轉譯創新發展計畫-技術支援平台主軸」,同時政府為執行生醫產業創新推動方案,成立「生醫產業創新推動方案執行中心」,下設藥品商品化中心(DCC),協助推動國內生醫研發成果商品化與產業化

2018.09.05 ~ 09.06, 免費參加


2018.08.31 ~ 09.01

一年一度的發育生物學研討會,今年將於2018.8.31-9.1於長庚大學舉行。今年大會邀請的主題講者,為任職於美國南加州大學的鍾正明院士以及Morgridge Institute 的Phillip Newmark主任。

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